Saturday, April 11, 2009

Tornado Warning

Last night we were at the NICU on our nightly visit, when someone came over the intercom, "Tornado Warning for Clarke County." Jack has been fed, getting some loving from his Grandaddy, I'm feeding Isabella, and Gabe is still waiting on his groceries. The nurse comes in and says we have to move the babies to the utility closet. "What?" How are we going to move them with all their monitors(and now Gabe is on oxygen) and wires to a utility closet? Well that is just what we did. We all grabbed a baby and IV stands, and off we went. Needless to say, our three little ones filled up the utility closet, so we had the place to ourselves. Jackson got to feed Gabe, and then all we had to do was wait, watching the babies like hawks to make sure they were breathing and doing well. Thankfully, after a little hail, strong wind and two hours in very tight quarters, the warning was lifted and we were back to bed in our room. Whew! We survived our first tornando warning with the triplets!

Grandaddy with Jack and Me with Isabella

Jackson feeding Gabe and Mamommy keeping watch over everyone

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  1. Oh my scary! I'm so glad things went well though!! You will love to look back on these pics one day and laugh!!

  2. Oh, how exciting that night was. We survived and got "up close and personal" with our little angels!! Glad when we left to find that Athens and surrounding counties weathered the storm better than Atlanta.
